Thursday, August 4, 2011

Clerestory up

The morning saw the framing of the 18' 5" clerestory wall completed.  The afternoon was spent putting up the roof joists on that section.  You'll note the spacing on the joists is 12" on center vice the rest of the roof which is 24" on center. That's due to the long span of these joists (37') without any support in the middle of the roof.  They will be blocked and there will be a 2x4 strongback installed across the entire roof which will significantly increase the strength of the entire roof system.

We also had long discussions on the positions/use of the glulams (glued laminated beams) since they are really visual additions everywhere they go.  We agreed with the architects that we can work out the use of the beams to minimize waste and provide strength where it's needed as well as the visual accents they were intended to provide.  This is a win-win situation sinve that means we don't have to buy additional glulams (which is an expensive proposition and takes quite a long time for delivery).

What the clerestory framing looked like at 11:00 this morning - viewed from the North.

Clerestory at 11:00, viewed from the West.

Rear overhang viewed from the West at 11:00 this monring.
The view of the clerestory wall and roof up at about 4 PM.  The installation process was fascinating - one  man (Mario) on the scaffolding, one 'walking the wall at the South end of the house, and4 of us on the ground manually hoisting the beams up to Mario. once us, the overhang was measured, beams properly spaced, and nailed in place.  The installation of 22 beams took under 2 hours which included butting the front face to provide a vertical surface.  The garage will be centered on the middle window in the clerestory and the roof will intersect the wall about 4" below the windows.

The view from the Southeast Corner of the house with the clerestory joists installed - there are still a few missing at the junction between the gable roof and the clerestory roof.

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