Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Roof joists up on over half the house

Yesterday and today marked more work on the roofing system - They got all the joists installed up to the point where the clerestory windows will be.  That's taking a bit of figuring to get all the walls lined up and we're working through the installation of the glulam (glued-laminated) beams.  Currently we have 20' beams and we need one that is 24' if we are going to span from the South wall across the kitchen to the wall between the dining room and the family room.  Because we had not yet ordered that beam, there is a 5-6 week delay in delivery.  We have 120' (6 20-foot glulams) that we are working to make fit the space we have them specified.  We may do a temporary brace until the glulam can be delivered.  Part of the issue comes in that the glulams we have are 7"x11 7/8" x 20' which is not the standard size for a glulam (3 1/2' x 11 7/8") so we would have a mismatch that would be quite obvious.  We did have to adjust the position of the load-bearing wall due to the door position between the family room and kitchen - not sure how we all missed that one but it's 3' off what the plans are showing.  The wall only had to more 9" but it did shrinkhe dining room and kitchen while increasing the family room and laundry room.  Because of the window position in the kitchen we have to re-look at the raised dishwasher/wall cabinet that were going in that space between the door and kitchen window.

This is the roofing system installed as of noon on Tuesday.That gap is where there will be double  joists for skylight support in the main entry.

SI! Mario! Mario is standing on the scaffolding that will be used to put up the clerestory wall.  

 An inside view of the scaffolding and Mario setting the first 2x4 for the celerestory wall
Looking at the main floor from the Southwest to the Northeast on Tuesday afternoon. Now that's a rrofline!

This is the clerestory wall initial set - the roof joists will sit atop this wall and extend 2' beyond to the North (This is looking at the wall from South to North).  When we got to this point we realized the drawings we had on stie and the concrete walls didn't match.  There was a 3'difference between where the door/window to the deck was in the wall and what was shown on the drawing.  We had to move the load bearing wall 9" to make it all work. I took this picture at 7 AM  on Wednesday which is why the lighting is different.  

The "Master Suite" framed in - bedroom at the far end, walk-in closet in the middle, bathroom is where I'm standing taking the picture. Vaulted ceiling height here will be from 10' to 15' (left to right0.

Looking down the central hallway from the east (standing "in" the closet that's isn't framed yet.  The ceiling will be at 10' in this hallway but will be vaulted in the other rooms in the house.

Looking from West to East at the framing - Family room at my back,  bedroom (work room) at the far end. 

This shows how a 3' overhang (on the right side) works to shade the windows from direct sun at this latitude.  The overhang is 51" on the left which shows how much lower it covers, going below the 6 foot by 11 1/2 foot staircase window which is at about 4 1/2' off the ground.  We don't have the deck roof joists up yet (part of the clerestory roofing section) but they extend even further.

This shows how much about 17 inches of difference in overhang can make - the actual roof joists are the same length but the house is 3 feet shallower overall on the West (left of picture) than on the East (right side).  This was just a neat visual of the difference in the shadow lengths.

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