Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Clearing and Excavation nearly complete and final window review

Yesterday they started digging for the foundation. By early 3:00 they had not hit any rock of significance - some small pea gravel at the west end of the foundation.  That was about 2 feet shy of the necessary depth so today was the day of reckoning.  There was some soft stone at the east end that foretold of possible rock ledges but when we visited the site this afternoon, the full depth had been reached and no rock.  The soil engineer was on site doing his tests to determine the load-bearing capabilities of the soil and his conclusion was "this is great stuff, it's harder than clay."

 We did a complete window review today with the vendor, architect and builder.  Unlike stick-built houses the concrete can't be adjusted easily once we order the walls with the window and door openings so this is a critical step. We adjusted sill heights, door and window sizes, and made sure we knew rough opening requirements (1 1/2 inches on the bottom, 1/2 inch on all other sides).  Now we have to do one final check, initial the window size sheet and the order goes in.  Delivery expected last week of August or first week of Sept. The entry door is the long-lead item which pushes the delivery out a bit.

Soil test at the West end of the foundation

Soil test on South center of foundation

Looking West to East at excavation site

That's not really rock - it's soft crumbly "rock" - the dark area is damp after being broken apart

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